"Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever."


Photo of Dr. Mize

Krystal D. Mize

Educator • Mentor • Researcher • Author

I am currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Psychology at Florida Gulf Coast University. Using evolutionary psychological theory as an overarching theme, I use behavioral and psychophysiological measures to study development across the lifespan. My primary interests are social relationships and emotions although, as an infovore, I often explore other areas of research.

I love to collaborate!

Educator and Mentor

Being a psychology professor has been the best job in the world for me because it allows integration of my greatest passions into one career.


I have over 18 years of teaching experience. Before landing at FGCU, I had appointments at Nova Southeastern University and Florida Atlantic University. Being in the classroom has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. Watching students have an ‘aha’ moment in class and seeing them develop into critical consumers of information is very fulfilling. It is my hope that the depth of my knowledge sparks a passion for learning in my students that empowers them.

Being a Mentee

My advisor at the University of Southern Colorado (USC) greatly influenced who I am as a mentor. I was given many opportunities to build my CV that also facilitated my personal growth. For example, my mentor spent an entire day desensitizing me to my fear of public speaking allowing me to become comfortable in presenting in the classroom, at research conferences and in the community before graduation. He set me on my own path of mentoring when he recommended me for a peer mentor position. I also found great mentors in my graduate program at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). Much of my success has been due to the wonderful scaffolding offered by my mentors.

Being a Mentor

When I became a peer-mentor for at-risk students at USC, I was introduced to the fulfillment that comes from helping others. As a graduate research assistant I was able to provide my research assistants the same type of mentoring experiences that I had as an undergraduate. Going beyond just research supervision, I offered them academic and career counseling. Knowing first hand the benefit of mentoring relationships during the undergraduate years, I also served as a faculty mentor to students in my role as Undergraduate Coordinator at FAU and programs like The Mentoring Project and the Academic and Career Enhancement for Second Year Students (AcCESS) Program.

Scientist and Author

As an infovore  I am intrinsically motivated to ask questions and seek out answers; a trait that is very beneficial in science.


My role as a researcher allows me to integrate all of my other roles—educator, mentor, and author. Working with faculty on research can have a profound effect on students. Participating in research enables student to develop critical thinking skills and gain self-confidence as they learn to integrate theory and practice. The laboratory is an active learning environment where students can gain understanding of behavioral science research. Students not only have contributed to my research but also have been encouraged to design projects that allowed them to explore their own interests. Directed independent research facilitates  students finding a career path that will bring them joy and meaning.


Research Topics

  • Infant jealousy
  • Meditation and EEG coherence
  • Mindfulness meditation and divergent thinking
  • Breastfeeding and EEG coherence
  • Mother-infant touch patterns
  • Temperament and empathy development
  • Empathy development as a function of maternal depression status
  • GPA as a function of who pays tuition
  • Juvenile recidivism rates as a function of participation in a mentoring intervention
  • Faculty-student mentoring relationships
  • Homicide methods and brutality
  • Swinging behavior in sexual relationships
  • Evolutionary feminist theory


My publications include peer-reviewed articles, encyclopedia entries, book chapters and an edited textbook. I also have contributed pre-publication works to international research conferences. Collaborating with students on research has been a great honor for me and I am proud to have student co-authors on well over 30 of my conference presentations and publications.

My Academic Path


Experimental Psychology
Minor Concentration: Evolution

2003 Recipient of the Threlkeld Prize for Excellence

University of Southern Colorado
(NKA: CSU-Pueblo)



Thesis: Intimate partner homicide methods in heterosexual and homosexual relationships

Florida Atlantic University


Experimental Psychology

Area of Concentration: Evolutionary Psychology

Dissertation: Infant jealousy responses: Temperament and EEG

Florida Alantic University

2018 - 2019
Teaching Experience
Online Adjunct Instructor

Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
Nova Southeastern University

2017 - present
Research Experience

Psychology and Neuroscience Department
Florida Atlantic University

2015 - 2017
Professional Appointment
Instructor & Undergraduate Coordinator

Psychology and Neuroscience Department
Florida Atlantic University

Teaching Trainiing
eCertification Designer/Facitator Workshop

The Center for eLearning
Florida Atlantic University

2014 - present
Research Experience
Research Collaborator

WAVES Emotion & Psychophysiology Lab
Florida Atlantic University

2012 - 2014
Teaching Experience
Adjunct Instructor

Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
Nova Southeastern University

2011 - 2015
Professional Appointment
Visiting Instructor & Undergraduate Coordinator

Psychology and Neuroscience Department
Florida Atlantic University

2011 - 2012
Professional Appointment
Associate Lecturer I

Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
Nova Southeastern University

Teaching Experience
Adjunct Instructor

Psychology and Neuroscience Department
Florida Atlantic University

2010 - 2011
Teaching Experience
Adjunct Instructor

Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
Nova Southeastern University

2010 - 2011
Research Experience
EEG Consultant

Touch Research Institute
Nova Southeastern University

2009 - 2014
Research Experience
Senior Research Coordinator

WAVES Emotion & Psychophysiology Lab
Florida Atlantic University

PhD in Experimental Psychology

Evolutionary Psychology Concentration

  • Dissertation: Infant jealousy responses: Temperament and EEG

Florida Atlantic University

January 2008
Research Experience
Research Assistant Trainer

WAVES Emotion & Psychophysiology Lab
Florida Atlantic University

August 2007
Research Experience
Research Assistant Trainer

WAVES Emotion & Psychophysiology Lab
Florida Atlantic University

2007 - 2008
Teaching Experience
Adjunct Instructor

Mesa State College

Teaching Experience
Online Adjunct Instructor

Ashford University

MA in Psychology

Florida Atlantic University

2005 - 2008
Research Experience
Senior Research Coordinator

WAVES Emotion & Psychophysiology Lab
Florida Atlantic University

2004 - 2006
Research Training
Research Assistant

Evolutionary Psychology Lab
Florida Atlantic University

Research Experience
fMRI Data Analyzer Consultant

Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of Southern Colorado

Research Training
fMRI Data Analysis Training

Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of Southern Colorado

  • 20 hours through collaborative project with University of Colorado
BA in Experimental Psychology

University of Southern Colorado
(NKA: CSU-Pueblo)

  • Minor are of Concentration: Evolution
  • 2003 Recipient of the Threlkeld Prize for Excellence
2002 - 2003
Research Training
Publication Research Assistant

Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of Southern Colorado

2001 - 2003
Research Training
Research Cordinator

Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of Southern Colorado

2000 - 2001
Research Training
Research Assistant

Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of Southern Colorado